What Happens At Dental Check Up And Cleaning?

Are you worried about dental cleaning and check-ups? Your Helix dentist Broadbeach and dentist Mermaid Beach are the well-known dentists in town due to their patient-centred approach. Regular dental check-ups and cleaning are necessary to maintain optimal oral health. Some individuals have dental anxiety, which causes them to fear visiting the dentist. This blog sheds light on the insights of the procedure of dental check-ups and cleaning. 

General Cleaning Steps At Dentist Broadbeach And Dentist Mermaid Beach

Dental cleaning is a crucial step in enhancing the longevity of an individual’s teeth. You must undergo the following steps for deep dental cleaning and dental check-ups. 

  • Initial Check-Up: The first step is to thoroughly examine your mouth condition to determine the intensity of cleaning your teeth. Your dentist will then do an initial check-up to determine the area that needs attention most.
  • Cleaning: Sometimes, plaque or tartar may build up on your teeth, which can be harmful if not treated properly. Cleaning involves scaling and polishing to remove the stains from the teeth’ surface. Furthermore, it removes the plaque and tattoo, too. 
  • X-ray: The dentist will take X-rays of all your teeth to see the decay between them because they are the root cause behind the declining health of the teeth. The X-rays address the following deep cleaning step to retain optimal oral health. 
  • Fluoride: Flouride is often used by your local dentist Helix Dental for cleaning purposes. It is applied to the teeth’ enamel to protect them from decay and further damage. 

How Long Does the Dental Check-up And Cleaning Take?

The time for a dental check-up and cleaning depends on the type of treatment you need. As for general cleaning, it will take almost from 30 minutes to one hour. Furthermore, it also depends on the condition of your mouth. 

At Home Dental Care

After your dental check-up and cleaning, your dentist Broadbeach and dentist Mermaid Beach recommend at-home dental care. Let’s look what are these recommendations;

  • Brushing and flossing your teeth at leat twice a day.
  • Use mouthwashes.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Quit bad habits like smoking and drinking.

If you follow your dentist’s advice, maintaining optimal oral health is not a big deal. 

Best Dentist Near Me

Health is a crucial part of life, and no one wants to sacrifice. One might think about the best dentist near me. Helix Dental provides various dental services to give patients a bright and healthy smile. Dentist Broadbeach and dentist Mermaid Beach are well-known for their patient-centred approach; their priority is gaining their confidence and trust. 


In conclusion, dental cleaning and check-ups are not a serious issue but a basic necessity to maintain optimal oral health. You should visit our Helix Dental clinic to make your teeth stain-free and your health long-lasting, as optimal oral health has a positive impact on overall health. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many visits should I need to get the dental cleaning and check-ups done?

You can visit your dentist Robina twice a year for a dental clinic and check-up, or you can ask your dentist about visiting the clinic.

Can I use home remedies to clean my teeth?

Yes, you can use some home remedies, such as salt water rinse, activated charcoal, baking soda, etc., to clean your teeth. However, you should not be allergic to substances used in home remedies. 

How much does dental cleaning and check-up cost?

The dental cleaning and pricing depend on your mouth’s condition, dentist expertise, and number of dental clinic Mermaid Waters visits.