What are Invisalign Aligners?

Confused between traditional braces and Invisalign aligners? This article develops your understanding of Invisalign aligners to make it easy for you while choosing them for the teeth straightening treatment. Our local dentists are always here to guide you through initial consultations.  

Invisalign aligners are clear and invisible aligners, made from flexible thermoplastic material. These aligners help in straightening your teeth by moving them to their original position. People nowadays prefer clear aligners instead of traditional braces because it has many benefits. You need to consult your dentist Mermaid Beach before opting for the Invisalign aligners, as professional guidance is always crucial. 

How Does Invisalign Work?

The custom-made aligners work by slowly moving the teeth to their original position, restricting the dislocation of the jaw bone. The custom-made tray is not a permanent one because it’s changed after a few weeks and a new one replaces it. 

Invisalign aligners will work if you will wear them consistently. They should be worn 24/7 for them to work properly. It reduces the bone dislocation and moves the teeth to their original position for perfect alignment.

How are Invisalign Aligners Made?

They are custom-made thermoplastic polymers for which each patient has different sizes and shapes of teeth. Furthermore, your orthodontist will take a 3D image to build the aligners according to your teeth’ shape because they should fit perfectly for proper working. 

Advantages of Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign aligners are replacing traditional braces because people are more prompt to wear the invisible aligners for an aesthetically pleasing look. Several are the advantages of the Invisalign.

  • They are removable.
  • They’re invisible.
  • You can easily brush your teeth.
  • You can easily eat or drink.
  • They enhance your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Self-conscious people can easily socialize due to invisible aligners.
  • You can also clean the aligners.

Disadvantages of Invisalign Aligners

Everything in this technological world has its pros and cons. Similarly, Invisalign has its own few disadvantages.

  • You have to remove them whenever you want to eat something. Continuous removal can be disturbing.
  • If you eat or drink while wearing Invisalign, fungal or bacterial infection can attack them.
  • You need to change the customised Invisalign tray after a few weeks to complete the treatment.
  • Some patients with complex dental issues cannot wear the Invisalign so consulting your dentist Mermaid Waters is crucial to straighten and align your teeth.

How Long Does The Invisalign Treatment Take?

The Invisalign treatment longevity depends on the complexity of your dental case. You need to check in with your orthodontist every two weeks to learn about the progress of the teeth straightening. The whole procedure takes almost 12 months to complete but the complexity of your teeth greatly impacts the treatment time. For long-lasting impact, you should follow your orthodontist’s instructions carefully.

Dentist Near Me

You might be wondering about the best orthodontist around you. Your local dentist Mermaid Waters Helix Dental is here to help you with straightening the alignment of your teeth. You can take professional guidance from them to discuss your teeth straightening treatment.


In conclusion, Invisalign aligners are the best choice for teeth straightening but before choosing you should know their working, pros and cons, and the longevity of your treatment, as mentioned in this article. Consult your local dentist Robina at Helix Dental to learn about whether the Invisalign are best fit for you. The complexity of your dental issue will help your orthodontist demonstrate the need for aligners for teeth straightening. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does it cost to get Invisalign for teeth straightening?

The cost of the treatment depends on various factors like the number of initial consultations, longevity of the treatment, complexity of the case, and post-surgical dental visits. 

For how long Invisalign aligner trays are suitable to completely straighten your teeth?  

You need to change the aligners after every two weeks before the treatment completion. It happens because teeth alignments change and for completely straightening them, you need to wear aligners that fit your teeth shape. 

Can I smoke while wearing Invisalign?

Smoking is never a good option. You should take care of your dental health to keep your smile bright and your teeth healthy. Thus, it’s always best to avoid smoking in any circumstance.